
 Ioana Georgescu Ratiu RaileanuIoana Georgescu Rațiu-Răileanu, daughter of George Georgescu

« It was such a wonderful encounter and I cannot forget how much we owe to all these people who made this event possible during the last 25 years: the teachers of the George Georgescu Art School, the Director, the Mayor, the District Council, and the Sponsors.
All my congratulations and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
But perhaps the most important thing that this competition manages to achieve is to create genuinely strong emotion in the encounter with the musicians – wonderful children, teenagers – and their parents that have made big sacrifices to encourage and prepare them. Another mention goes to the members of the jury, prominent professional musicians, who also generously offer their time and energy.
Would like to congratulate all of you and share this message of hope.
Music and talent always win and George Georgescu is an example of this.

My mother introduced the main Award and I continue to give it every year. It is precisely to encourage and give an impulse to the most valuable contenders of the Competition.
I am glad that these awarded young pupils of the George Georgescu Competition are being recognised as respected musicians and also successfully participate to other competitions. They are doing their first steps in their training and their careers. »

George Georgescu loved young people. He initiated general rehearsals where students could freely attend. He encouraged and conducted the first concerts of very talented children who became illustrious artists: Claudio Arrau, Henryk Szering, Dinu Lipatti, Valentin Gheorghiu »

Music is not only a career, it is also a way of opening oneself to new horizons of knowledge and personal enrichment. »

Marin CazacuMarin Cazacu, Univ. Prof.  Director National Centre of Art « Tinerimea Romana », soloist G. Enescu Philharmonic

« The existence of the International George Georgescu Musical Competition represents one of the most valuable events at national level (for the time being !) that brings every year in Tulcea the most important number of participants, comparatively with the other competitions of the same kind from Romania. The personality of George Georgescu attracted and continues to attract all that aspire for performance. I could say in few words, Tulcea « sings the future » !

Dan DEDIUDan Dediu, Composer, Univ. Prof.  Rector Univ. Nat. Music Bucharest

« The International Competition George Georgescu » from Tulcea represents an exceptional opportunity offered to young musicians to meet with each other, to listen and compete in a prestigious competition at a national level.
I have noticed year after year, the accomplishments of this manifestation, accomplishments due to the professional organisers, the participants’ enthusiasm, the beauty of Tulcea and, of course, the tutelary spirit of Maestro George Georgescu ».

Grigore ConstantinescuGrigore Constantinescu, Univ. Prof. Dr, President of the Union of the Musical Critics Romania.

« For the representatives of the Romanian musical culture, end XXth century and beginning XXI, the value of this International Competition represents a focus for the musical art of interpretation. Being part of the development of this competition, I appreciate that the initial idea became in time a prestigious professional formula, equalling the most important annual artistic events of the same kind. In my quality of President of the Musical Critics of Romania, I follow the development and results of this competition supported by the District Council and the Townhall of Tulcea. I am sure that this event has an important future for the Romanian national music art ».

Ioan HolenderIoan Holender,
Ex Director of the Vienna Opera House and George Enescu Festival.

« I am impressed by the high number of participants enrolled year after year to take part in this Competition ».


Gabriel CroitoruGabriel Croitoru, violonist, Prof. Dr. Nat. Univ. Of Music Bucharest

« Speaking of the organisation, the George Georgescu competition is one of the best represented on the map of competitions of Romania. I would like to salute the presence and the real implication of our great musician’s family, presence that turned into a stimulus to be followed by the young people, the ambitious musicians of tomorrow ».

Vasile TuguiVasile Țugui, Prof.Dr. Univ of Music Bucharest

« The competition honours the memory of a great personality of the baton at a national and international level.
Unlike other competitions, I think the George Georgescu competition only has winners. Winners in experience, in finding the position in the hierarchical value of the generation, in  knowledge of the potential and of the level of the performance in a specific moment etc.
This was the generous idea that animated during the years the juries of the different sections of the competition that has been enriched with the introduction of the « chamber music » section.
The list of the winners of The Great Prize offered by Ioana Georgescu confers to the International Competition of Interpretation « George Georgescu » a visiting card to envy ».

Octavian Lazar Cosma Octavian Lazăr Cosma,
Composer, Ex-President Composers Union Romania

« I am impressed that this competition exists, endures and did not die as many others after a short time of existence. It seems that this competition in Tulcea takes wings and for my great surprise, I noted that comparing with last year, there are much more candidates. The mission of such a competition is to stimulate young musicians wanting to dedicate their lives to music. »

Dan BuciuDan Buciu,
Composer, Univ. Prof. Dr. Ex Rector Nat. Univ. of Music, Bucharest

« The George Georgescu competition proves to be a serious competition and has maintained high standards. »


Vladimir OrloffVladimir Orloff , Cellist,
Prof . Dr Toronto-Canada

« This competition is an extraordinary occasion to meet, under the sign of our Maestro George Georgescu, the young musicians on their way to affirmation »


Ionescu Ilarion GalatiIlarion Ionescu Galați, Conductor, Violinist

« The George Georgescu Competition is one of the most important musical events in Romania. Besides the fact that it reminds us of the personality of the great conductor, it encourages the national school of music and honours the city of Tulcea and our country. I wish from all my heart that this event lasts and not disappear like many others »

Eleonora EnachescuEleonora Enăchescu, Prof.Dr Nat. Univ of Music Bucharest

« I do remember with joy the many faces I saw during the competition. Some left as winners, others just with hope or not, with small disappointments, but for sure, more knowledgeable and in their emotional memory, with  luminous images of people and places »


Maria Marica Marele Premiu 2015 TulceaMaria Marica, violonist
The Great Prize « George Georgescu » 2015

« The Great Prize George Georgescu was for me a great surprise. I came for the competition without any expectation and I left home with The Great Prize. It was a great honour for me to win this prize and also to return, a year later to Tulcea for a recital. The competition « George Georgescu » will always remain in my memory as a wonderful experience and beacause of that, Tulcea has become a precious place »

Mircea Gogoncea Marele Premiu 2003 Mircea Gogoncea, guitar player
The Great Prize « George Georgescu » 2003

« The distinction obtained in 2003 at the « George Georgescu » competition represents the first Great Prize that I was ever granted during my whole career. The edition 2003 of the Festival represents one of my dearest memories. The prize in itself represents one of the most worthy prizes I received along the years and it continues to be at the top of my present CV, fourteen years later. I am very grateful for the existence of this International Competition George Georgescu and I am proud to be one of its winners »

Stefan CazacuStefan Cazacu, cellist,
Great Prize « George Georgescu »2007

« It was the first important competition that I participated in. After winning the Great prize, my artistic career gathered momentum. »

Bogdan PredaBogdan Preda, flutist,
Great Prize « George Georgescu » 2014

This competition represents for me an important moment in my life as it was the most prestigious competition that I won. It is a pillar that will always be the foundation of my artistic and profesional development. It is also a confirmation that my mission is to further transfer the happiness and beauty of music. »







Concursul international de interpretare George Georgescu