In 1992, a group of professors from the George Georgescu Art School in Tulcea had the idea to create “The George Georgescu International Competition of Interpretation”. In a short time, the competition became one of the most renowned and respected cultural manifestation in Romania.
The competition’s excellent reputation is owed to the number and skill of the participants as well as the meticulous organisation of the event.
Year after year, the number of competitors has increased and as of 1995 it became an international event. Over the years, eminent personalities of Romanian Music have been on the Jury and this includes : Vladimir Orloff, Marin Cazacu, Dan Dediu,, Grigore Constantinescu, Octavian Lazar Cosma, Gabriel Croitoru, Dan Buciu, Serban Soreanu, Gheorghe Zamfir, Vasile Tugui, Monica Noveanu, Ionel Voineag, Eleonora Enachescu, Corneliu Solovastru, Delia Pavlovici, etc..
In the 25 years of existence, thousands of young instrumentalists, both Romanian and foreigners, received the distinctions of the Tulcea competition. Many of them are today recognised musicians.