About the Competition

The International Competition of Musical Interpretation George Georgescu is intended to the youth from elementary to secondary schools of Art and is organised by class, from I to XII and by category of instruments:
– Piano
– Violin
– Other Strings Instruments (viola, cello, guitar)
– Wind instruments
– Canto
– Chamber Music
– Folk Instruments (panpipe, cembalo)

The Jury

The Jury is formed of specialised teaching staff from Romanian Universities and includes Internationally renowned Romanian Musical personalities.

Members of the Jury are not allowed to present their own pupils to this competition.


– The Great Prize, in value of 1.000 Euros, is granted by the Georgescu family to the best performer in the – Gala of Laureates
– The Competition Trophy
– I, II, III, M Prizes for each class and instrument type
– A Diploma of participation for all competitors
– Money Prizes will be granted by the District Counsel and the Town Hall of Tulcea

Period/Dates of the Competition

The Competition will take place in May 2019 (the exact dates will be announced during the month of January 2019)

Works requested, by category of instruments:

•    A study ;
•    A preclassical piece of music and a classical one ;
•    A romantic, modern or Romanian piece of music.

String Instruments (violin, viola, cello, and guitar)

•    A study
•    Two pieces of music which are different in style, form and character

Folk Instruments (panpipe, cembalo)

•    A study ;
•    A classical piece of music ;
•    A folkloric piece of music.


Class IX
•    Baroque aria ;
•    Lied ;
•    Romanian piece of music.
Class X
•    Classical Aria ;
•    Lied ;
•    Romanian piece of music.
Class XI and XII
•    Baroque aria ;
•    Classical or romantic opera aria ;
•    Lied ;
•    Romanian piece of music.

Chamber Music

Two separate pieces of different style and character (10-15 minutes)
For the classes I-IV, the total timing for each candidate must not exceed 15 minutes, 20 minutes for classes V-VIII and 30 minutes for classes IX-XII.
For each section, there must be a minimum of 3 participants.


Conditions for participation

The registration for the competition must be done on the specific registration cards, signed and stamped by the Director of your School.
These cards together with a copy of your birth certificate BI/CI, should be sent to the address of our School in Tulcea (precise dates will be announced during January 2019).
The copies of the scores (part and accompaniment) will be presented to the relevant people in this respect, just before the beginning of the competition.
The order of entry to the competition is done alphabetically and from lower to upper classes.
Master rehearsals are not insured.
The order of entry to the competition and the programme will be announced the day before the competition and will be also posted on the competition website.

Liceul de Arte “George Georgescu” Tulcea
Str. S-It. Gavrilov Corneliu, nr . 166
Tel-Fax: +40 (0)240.512.471; (0)240.516.185
e-mail: artlicggeorgescu@yahoo.com


You are listening to : Clara Haskil - Scarlatti - Sonata in E flat, K.193

Concursul international de interpretare George Georgescu